Becoming Courageous

Getting Proximate

Zina Jacque & Jessica Green Season 1 Episode 2

Inspired by visionary Bryan Stevenson who calls us to "get proximate" to better understand different lived experiences, Zina & Jessica share some ways they are learning how to practice curiosity, generous listening, and standing in another's shoes to build more inclusive communities. Zina tells the story of how three magic words—"help me understand"—helped her unpack her own "suitcase of stereotypes" in cross-racial relationships. Jess shares a great list of resources for anyone looking to make curiosity a life practice, including dialogues offered by Truth, Racial Healing & Transformation (TRHT), Interfaith Youth Core, Telos Group, Braver Angels, and Urban Consulate. As Winston Churchill said, “Courage is what it takes to stand up and speak; courage is also what it takes to sit down and listen.” To join Zina & Jessica in their own series of courageous conversations, visit